Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 Kings 4: 8-11, 14-16a
Second Scripture Reading
Romans 6: 3-4, 8-11
Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 37-42

Opening Prayer

God of Love, You promise new life, just as Elisha brought new life to the generous woman. You sent Your Son to be our life and the font of living water. In Jesus we are rooted in You and grafted into Your divine life. You InSpirit us so that we can live totally for you, as Jesus does. It is such a challenge, because we have so many pulls on our heart. Empower us to live with the contradiction of the cross: that we lose our life in order to gain it. Gentle us to live with the tension, especially when I want to grab it all myself instead of let Your wonders work. Keep us open to listen to Your prophets today, speaking of new life amid war, violence, injustice, inequality and so much which violates Your Reign.

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