Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18
Second Scripture Reading
2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18
Gospel Reading
Luke 18: 9-14

Opening Prayer

Calm my arrogance and self-inflation, Just God! Sometimes I get so full of myself and need to trumpet myself before others, and You, for affirmation and confirmation. Why do we let arrogance mask our insecurity? Why are we afraid to stand nakedly humble before You, the God Who knows us too well and in Whose image we are created? Do our contradictory and confusing hearts make You laugh? Soften the insecurity that trumpets righteous externals which mask haughty, judgmental hearts. Empower us not to get lost in our failures and sinfulness, but to be uplifted by Your mercy. InSpirit us that we are not so puffed up by our self-proclamation, but by Your Breath, humbling and uplifting us with compassion and love. Give us the tenacious faith of Paul to trust you, even as we are squeezed and poured out — keep us faithful to the race beyond us and not detoured by the emptiness within us. Your justice is truth. Teach us again the lesson of St. Therese that in our nothingness is Your greatness!

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