Opening Prayer
You are a strange God! While You must have been upset that the Jews did not accept Your Son as their Messiah, You did not condemn them. You always understand! Instead, with Divine Wisdom, You used their blindness to spread the message to others. Your ways are awesome. Your call is forever. I suspect that Your heart still pumps stronger for Your first-choice of people, even though we sometimes rash judge them. Teach us humility, Lord, especially in our judgments and attitudes. Please don’t let our righteousness blind us with attitudes which demean and distance others. Why does religion sometimes wrap itself in arrogant righteousness and demand the first seats? Save us from self-created religion which is not of You!
And Lord, as St. Charles Borromeo was dedicated to the renewal of your Church by renewing priests, continue to pour forth your Spirit on the priests and people you call to serve your Church, your Body.
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