Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 56: 1, 6-7
Second Scripture Reading
Romans 11: 13-15, 29-32
Gospel Reading
Matthew 15: 21-28

Opening Prayer

Inclusive and all-embracing God, You do not know strangers. You welcome all peoples as your children in your house and heart. Do you snarl with disgust when you see us distancing and demeaning people we name as stranger and think of as strange? Why do we, who are so loved, feel this need to surround ourselves just with the comfort of friends and wall out so many in our society? We have created a world where few sit at your table of plenty and so many more hunger in poverty because we do not share – because we do not even see them as our responsibility. Just as the Canaanite woman challenged the narrow focus of Jesus and got him to change his heart and ministry, shake us up, Lord. Break down the walls of judgment and barriers of discrimination we build around ourselves to limit our responsibility. InSpirt us to share Your inclusive and all-embracing heart this day.

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