Saturday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Thes 4:9-11
Gospel Reading
Mt 25:14-30

Opening Prayer

Creating God, through St. Paul You invite us to be co-creators of Your Reign. You InSpirit us to love one another as You love us. Help me today to be at peace with all people You send into my life. Empower me to love with respect, as You love me. Teach me to mind my own business and not to invade the boundaries of others by word, action, judgment or silence. Pour forth Your generous Spirit that I may enrich the talents You lend me, by sharing them for others, and investing them in creating Your harvest of justice and peace. Free me of fear that I might not hoard Your gifts nor shrink Your harvest. Invest me with courage and trust to be as generous and selfless and willing to take risks as You are.

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