Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, we need your Spirit of Wisdom. InSpirit us that we might see others, see ourselves, and see all situations as God sees them. Give us divine insight to know more and the connections that are not obvious. You are our strength, Jesus, even though we proudly try to glide on our own resources. You are our head – keep us faithful to you as the Shepherd of Wisdom. Empower us to be faithful to you and your values of life, especially when cowardice, inconvenience, criticism or peer pressure overwhelms us.
In 1997, the Pope declared St. Therese to be the youngest Doctor of the Church. As the official Church affirms what we already know, that your “little way” is the most beautiful way of Gospel living, help us this day, Therese, to live focused lives of charity and attention to others. Teach us again to do the ordinary things with extra-ordinary love, because God is the center of our life and the source of Love.
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