Saturday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Ecclesiastes 11: 9, 12: 8
Gospel Reading
Luke 9: 43b-45

Opening Prayer

Breath of Life, thank You for breathing Your Spirit and consciousness into us this day. Ancient God, You are ever-young. As we experience You breathing and working within our history and us, help us to honor the dreams, innocence and wonder of our youth. Let us not harden in cynicism nor hide in the shadows of fear and mistrust as the journey gets long. InSpirit us today with Your optimism, promise and hope about life, with all its fragility and brokenness. Enlighten us to believe that You are closer to us than our breath. Empower us to breath deeply until our breath returns to You, and to trust your presence even when life seems confusing and the message of Jesus does not make sense to us. Be the creator and source of hope, Holy God!

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