Monday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 Thessalonians 1: 1-5, 11-12
Gospel Reading
Matthew 23: 13-22

Opening Prayer

Faithful Jesus, our loyalty is to you! Sometimes it seems like the world is coming apart and demonic values are destroying us. Breathe your powerful Spirit again within us that we might see that You have not abandoned us. Help us to see the positive growth of faith, even amid the sufferings and pains our Church experiences. You are still in charge, even if the path of growth seems confusing. Clear our vision so that we do not follow blind guides who divide and confuse, but rather swear our loyalty to Your all-embracing love, and Your eternal pledge to be with us. Refine us to see You breaking out again amid Your people and Your creation in new, exciting ways of establishing God’s Reign. Increase our faith that we are the Temple where You dwell and reign. Make us worthy and keep us faithful to our calling as Your followers and Your embracing hands and heart in this world.

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