Saturday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 15: 35-37, 42-49
Gospel Reading
Luke 8: 4-15

Opening Prayer

Gardening God, we are Your soil. We are the holy ground where You have planted the seed of Your word. Make us receptive to the mysterious ways You share and encourage life. Till our soil. Break open the rocky ground of our spirits. Moisten our hard clay. Save us from weeds of distracting loyalties. Fertilize us with Your Word and Spirit, that the glorious harvest You have planted and planned for each of us and all of us may come to full blossom. Your life grows in mysterious ways. Your harvest will blossom beyond this earth’s existence in ways beyond our imagination. Teach us to trust You and not to figure out the mystery of resurrection and the eternal life You have already implanted in us. Through Your power, energy and life, we will blossom in the new creation. Garden well, Good God, and I’m sorry that You have to work up to a sweat gardening me!

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