Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Galatians 1: 13-24
Gospel Reading
Luke 10: 38-42

Opening Prayer

Jesus, please be honest: didn’t you enjoy both the unconditional attention of Mary and the cooking of Martha? One fed your soul and one fed your body? I have a Martha in me which needs to do everything and then wants to complain that others aren’t doing their share. I get jealous of not having time, even as I take on more. Gently touch the Mary in me, Jesus, that I may slow down and spend time–with you, and the people and experience of my life today. Teach me the balance of action and contemplation, and the way they permeate and gentle each other. Give me the courageous and flexible zeal of Paul, which responds to the strange and wonderful ways you transform us and send us on new journeys of the soul and missions of life.

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