Opening Prayer
Holy God, You are Radiant Dawn, breaking through the darkness. You call us to conversion of heart and humility to admit the darkness we create, so that we can experience You breaking into our lives–into our world. Help us to walk, without stumbling, through the dark rumblings of our world. Empower us not to be afraid, but to listen to the thunder and You announcing Your saving presence. Help us to see You in the darkness of our lives. Purify our hearts which so often look for evil and see darkness in others. Enlighten us, so that we are not threatened by the goodness of others, and try to shrink it or name it as evil. Help us to admit our emptiness and darkness, Eternal Light, Jesus, Our Friend. We try to fill our emptiness in so many destructive ways that are demonic. Please flood us with Your light, that we might be children of the dawn, trusting Your saving presence, which will overwhelm and lighten all darkness within and around us.
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