Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

First Scripture Reading
Job 38: 1, 12-21; 40: 3-5
Gospel Reading
Luke 10: 13-16

Opening Prayer

Okay, You win! You are bigger and mightier than we can ever imagine. We like to flood the universe with our self-importance and assume divine command over everything. But you, and you alone, are God! You hold the whole world in your hands. You have created and permeated the height and depth and breadth of creation. We are awed, even as we are overwhelmed by you, God of creation. Teach us to appreciate our littleness before your might. You are strong enough to be hurt when we do not listen to you and your Son. Please do not abandon us in deafening sinfulness. Enlighten us to listen to your teachers and the messengers of your word, as if we were listening directly to you. Give us the simple faith of Francis, who embraced poverty because you are the true wealth, and embraced all creation because it is yours.

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