Monday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Colossians 1: 24-2:3
Gospel Reading
Luke 6: 6-11

Opening Prayer

Why do I want to believe that Christ’s suffering did it all, Healing God? I detest pain of body, mind, spirit and relationship. Why do you allow suffering to continue? Its redemptive power seems a mystery, and elusive. Teach us to trust you and accept Your wisdom amid the sufferings and struggles of our lives. Enlighten us to believe that pain does purify at times, when embraced in faith as part of your divine plan. Help us not to be like the scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel who have such withered and petty hearts. Save us from hardened hearts which miss the purpose of Your laws, shrink Your heart and impose rigid, blinding, external observance. Stretch out your hand, Jesus, to heal our withered hearts, heads and any parts of us which are paralyzed. Free us through the mystery of Your Spirit who softens our hearts to be embraced by Your Wisdom.

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