Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 41: 55-57, 42: 5-7a, 17-24a
Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 1-7

Opening Prayer

You are powerful and wonderful, Holy God! Your reign is at hand. As you did through Joseph in Egypt, you open the grain bins of your nurturing love into the famine of our lives. You draw peoples and families together in strange ways, as you brought Joseph’s betraying brothers into his presence. Give us the compassion of Joseph to love and forgive, stepping over family hurts and history. Name us as your apostles, Jesus! Empower us to expel demons and diseases which limit and destroy your people. Help us to acknowledge, comprehend and embrace how close your reign is within and among us. Let the famine of our doubts and selfishness not distance us from you today.

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