Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 12: 24 - 13: 5a
Gospel Reading
John 12: 44-50

Opening Prayer

Expansive and Missionary God, You continue to empty Yourself and spread Your life. In Jesus, we know You, and experience Your presence. Jesus is freedom from the bondage we create. He softens and brightens the darkness. His judgment is your compassion. His command is the mission to follow Paul, Barnabas, and so many others to proclaim Your good news of freedom and forgiveness. Give us the Spirit of their energy and conviction that we might speak and create communities of faith who are life-giving to Your world. May Your hands impose mission and Spirit upon us – and may we hand on the freedom, power, energy, and faith with which you have gifted us. Continue to expand us as we expand Your reign, Embracing God of Life.

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