Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 20: 28-38
Gospel Reading
John 17: 11b-19

Opening Prayer

Jesus, our Guardian, Shepherd and Leader, protect your people. Help us to listen to Paul’s teachings on being faithful to you. We live in a culture which glorifies success, acquisition and self-satisfaction. We know it produces emptiness which we incessantly want to fill with more things. Teach us again to believe and live your message that true human happiness and divine joy comes in giving, rather than receiving. Thank you for consecrating us in your Name – and making us members of your Body. Keep us faithful to your Name. Make us cautious in listening to those who lead us further into the culture of death – into the past rather than into the future of your reign. Consecrate us in your freeing and uplifting truth, Jesus. Pour forth in us your Spirit of Wisdom and Fortitude that we can discern your truth among all the voices and hungers which scream within and around us.

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