Opening Prayer
Lawgiving One, sometimes we get confused about keeping Your law and following the freedom of Your Spirit. Enlighten us! Sometimes it seems safer just to keep the laws, because we are sure it keeps you happy. Yet some part of us hears you stretching us beyond law in the power and energy of Your Spirit. You expect so much more and get impatient with the minimalist way we measure ourselves against observance of laws. When the tension arises, keep us faithful to the ministry of Your Spirit which uplifts and frees people so that Your glory may continue to break out in your people fully alive. Remind us again that Your law is the Beatitudes of Jesus. Your glory shines in the poor, the sorrowing, the justice-seekers, the merciful, the single-hearted, peacemakers, and those who are most misunderstood.
In 1884, Therese Martin received the Sacrament of Confirmation, so that the Spirit of Jesus would unite her more closely with God’s triune Love and strengthen her with a more mature faith. Help us, tender Therese, to appreciate the gift of God’s Spirit that we receive in Baptism and Confirmation and to use the Gifts to serve others and draw them closer to God. God’s Breath is so powerful in the way it transforms and strengthens us. Teach us again this day that Jesus has never abandoned us and lives and breathes within and among us.
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