Thanks to your generosity our Share the Love Challenge was a wonderful success!
Your donations support vital Carmelite ministries like the English immersion program in East Timor.
Br. Sean Keefe, O. Carm. has shared with us some of the work being done to better the lives of the Timorese through education.
I work at Whitefriars College, a Carmelite high school located near Melbourne, Australia. Whitefriars has a program that enables students and staff to visit East Timor to provide an English immersion program.
East Timor is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. A couple of years ago, due to the unreliably of a constant educational system, the government had ended the school year early.
When we got to Zumalai in East Timor, there were about ten children playing around the school. When they discovered we were there, the children joined us and we had classes. Word spread, and the next day we were greeted by about one hundred students, ready to learn!
The Timorese are thirsty for education. They have very little, so a simple workbook is a treasure for the Timorese students. Learning English is fundamental to better education and a future.
Every one of our Whitefriars students and staff leave East Timor with a group of new friendships. They go to help but they always return home feeling like they’re the ones who received a gift.
Br. Sean’s story is just one of many Carmelite efforts that make a profound, fundamental difference for parishes and communities in need around the world. Your generous help makes their mission work possible.
If you missed the opportunity to participate in our Share the Love Challenge, visit here to make a donation to help the Carmelites.