Friday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Galatians 3: 7-14
Gospel Reading
Luke 11: 15-26

Opening Prayer

We are a spoiled generation! The lack of restrictive boundaries both frees and imprisons us. It scares us, God of compassion. We seek tight and rigid boundaries for our own security. We even try to define religion by law because we want the satisfaction of knowing that we please You, Holy God! I am sorry that we shrink You sometimes to being a Lawgiver and Judge! Teach us to live by faith — to trust You in empty darkness and boundless confusion. Empower us to look for and appreciate Your presence everywhere, especially in people, places and situations we find difficult to understand. Humble us not to make rash, demonic and negative judgments about others, and try to restrict them to my insights. We need the freedom of Your Spirit, Lord Jesus – teach us to walk in faith, believing that You are our Strength and Salvation. Gentle and embrace our fears with trust!

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