Words of St. Therese
Coming upon our dear little Father’s name, I very naturally recall certain happy memories. When he came home I used to run and sit on one of his boots; then hew would carry me in this way all around the house and out into the garden. Mamma said laughingly to him that he carried out all my wishes; and he answered; “Well, what do you expect? She’s the Queen!” Then he would take me in his arms, lift me very high, set me upon his shoulders, kiss and caress me in many ways.
I cannot say, however, that Papa spoiled me. I remember very well how one day when I was swinging contentedly, he passed by and called out to me: “Come and kiss me, my little Queen!” Contrary to my usual custom, I did not want to budge and I answered boldly: “Come and get it, Papa!” He paid no attention to me and was right to do so. Marie corrected me. I jumped off my swing – and the whole house resounded with my cries of sorrow. I climbed the stairs quickly, and this time I did not call “Mamma” each step, for I thought of nothing but finding Papa and being reconciled to him.
Our Prayer
Jesus, Son of Mary and Joseph, we need Your healing touch. There are memories within us which hurt; genetic dreams; negative vibrations from our fetal development; traumas from the expulsion of birth; emptiness from needing more than our parents could give us; broken promises which gave birth to mistrust and suspicion; feelings of not belonging; memories of not being good enough; scars of traumas which deeply would our spirit.
Like young St. Therese, we need to get off the swings of our self-pity and haunting memories, and seek reconciliation and inner peace. Free us to be present to Your caressing presence right now. Jesus, heal our crippled memories that don’t allow us to climb the stairs of freedom and wholeness. Touch us with Your goodness so that we choose not to hold hurts, nightmares and disappointments against others, but rather learn to be refined by them. We ask You this, through the intercession of St. Therese, who teaches us confidence and trust in Your love.