Words of St. Therese
O my God! Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to love You and make You loved, to work for the glory of Holy Church by saving souls on earth and liberating those suffering in purgatory. I desire to accomplish Your will perfectly and to reach the degree of glory You have prepared for me in Your Kingdom. I desire, in a word, to be a saint, but I feel my helplessness and I beg, You, O my God, to be Yourself my Sanctity!
Since You loved me so much as to give me Your only Son as my Savior and my Spouse, the infinite treasures of His merits are mine. I offer them to you with gladness, begging you to look upon me only in the Face of Jesus and in His heart burning with Love.
Our St. Therese Prayer
Jesus, Holiness of God, we need Your healing touch! There are parts of us which are not holy, which do not reflect the divine image in us; areas of darkness which need light; self-absorption; insensitivity to others; not seeing the poor and needy as our sisters and brothers; parts of us are not at peace, are fractured from wholeness; lack integrity of spirit; we are afraid to be still – and silent – and listen; parts of us are struggling in hurts, anger, denial, shame, unworthiness, repression, and addictions; parts of us are sinful and evil and are not of You.
Reignite Your image in our hearts; rekindle Your fire in our souls. Be our sanctity and help us embrace the truth that You dwell within and among us. Heal us of whatever prevents us from accepting Your saving and intimate presence – from believing in the incredible glory You have placed within us.
Touch us, Jesus, and transfigure us so that we shine with God’s light. Like St. Therese, make us saints who are fully alive because You dwell within us.
We ask You this, through the intercession of St. Therese, who teaches us confidence and trust in Your love.